Topic 5 - Clean Air – Sectors and Solutions

The session will tackle the challenge to reduce emissions from sectors consisting of many actors and/or with a low rate of renewal of the existing capital stock. The session will focus on agriculture, shipping and domestic heating. All these sectors face challenges to reduce both emissions of air pollutants and of greenhouse gases.

For these sectors relatively modest improvements have been reached thus far. Because regulation primarily focuses on new stables, new ships, and new heating appliances, also in coming decades a large share of emissions will come from these existing sources.

So how can we reduce emissions from these existing sources? What technical options are, or will soon be, available? How can non-technical measures be stimulated? What means could be used to promote changing diets, reducing transport demand, and switching to clean and carbon-neutral heating? How to improve awareness rising? How to regulate existing sources? What would be the “right” price for food, heating and transport? What knowledge development is needed? Which policy networks are needed?

This working group will be divided into three separate subgroups during part of the day: Shipping, Agriculture and Domestic Heating.

Contact persons:
Rob Maas
Christer Ågren

Outcome of Working Group discussions



Background documents

Future Nordic Diets

Exploring ways for sustainably feeding the Nordics

Paths to a sustainable agricultural system

Pathways to a Nordic agricultural and food system with reduced emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants

Nordic initiatives to abate methane emissions

A catalogue of best practices

Nordic nitrogen and agriculture

Policy, measures and recommendations to reduce environmental impact

A Protocol for Black Carbon Emissions

A Protocol for Measuring Emissions of Elemental Carbon and Organic Carbon from Residential Wood Burning factors for SLCP emissions from residential wood combustion in the Nordic countries: Improved emission inventories of Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP)

German government report on nitrogen management

What is on our plate?

Safe, healthy and sustainable diets in the Netherlands


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